Dream Big, Craft Small


Designer: Jon Wolf


At Wolfcraft Terrain, our story is one of passion, creativity, and craftsmanship. Founded by Jon Wolf and love for all things small and imaginative, we’ve embarked on a journey to bring miniature worlds to life.

Our commitment to precision and detail is matched only by our enthusiasm for igniting the imaginations of our patrons. Explore our vision, our journey, and the boundless creativity that fuels our work. Join us in celebrating the art of miniatures and the magic of small-scale wonders.

There’s obviously more to the story than just an AI written paragraph. Just email Jon and he’ll contact you and talk your ear off.


Jon Wolf is the CEO/President of Live Web Studios a company he founded in 2003. They specialize in web design and graphics, website hosting and maintenance of sites, as well as helping clients with online marketing and social media strategies.

Jon’s creative diversity spans from graphic design to photography to sculpting and painting. He has over 35 years professional experience playing piano, keyboards and guitar.  He has performed in over 30 states.